October 22, 2019

Welsh Words And Their Meanings - Podcast 89

A typical road sign in Wales. Image: Tea And A Butty

Croeso i bennod podlediad arall o Tea and a Butty lle rydyn ni'n siarad am eiriau 
Cymraeg a'u hystyron!

No idea what I just wrote? Looks like just a bunch of consonants eh? 
I said "Welcome to another podcast episode of Tea and a Butty where we talk about 
welsh words and their meanings" in Welsh.

Welsh is a strange language. Many tourists to the UK who happen to go to Wales don't realise 
there is an actual language that goes along with the country and when they start seeing the bi-lingual signs
like the one above, they start thinking they've gone mad or maybe this country has gone mad. Perhaps both 
is right!
Can you say these words?  

1. Croeso (Welcome)

2. Dwt (Cute)

3. Iechyd Da (Cheers)

4. Ych-af-i (Disgusting)

5. Cwtch (Cuddles)

6. Sglodion (Chips)

7. Ysgol (School)

8. Siop (Shop)

9. Maes Parcio (Car Park)

10. Nofio (Swimming)

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